Hey guys! My next video is going to be a big one!
It's going to be a combined Black Friday/Christmas/Christmas Card/Secret Santa/Presents from Friends video! It may even feature my best friend Ashleigh :)
So, stay tuned for that video within the week following Christmas!!
Merry Christmas/Happy Hannukah/Happy Kwanzaa/Merry Festivus/Merry Christmahanukwanzaakah!
♥ tyler alesia
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. And when I meet Thomas Jefferson, Imma compel him to include women in the sequel." -Angelica Schuyler, Hamilton
Sorry I've been so lazy!
School has been crazy! It's finals week though, so I'll be able to update some random posts over break :)
I think my first post will be about the nail Secret Santa I participated in from Instagram! We're all opening our packages on Saturday at 6pm pacific/9pm eastern time, so I will post after that! :)
I cannot wait to open it! I will also do a Christmas card/present/candy haul after Christmas! :) I PROMISE!
I'm sorry guys, I'm so lazy haha.
Hope you guys had a lovely day :)
♥ tyler alesia
I think my first post will be about the nail Secret Santa I participated in from Instagram! We're all opening our packages on Saturday at 6pm pacific/9pm eastern time, so I will post after that! :)
I cannot wait to open it! I will also do a Christmas card/present/candy haul after Christmas! :) I PROMISE!
I'm sorry guys, I'm so lazy haha.
Hope you guys had a lovely day :)
♥ tyler alesia
Hey guys! I'm super lazy...lol
So, I'm currently sick :( And watching Castle on the DVR! And I just noticed that I am really obsessed with Castle because the DVR said it was one episode but it wasn't even on for like 5 seconds when I realized it was a different episode... Obsessed much Tyler?
Anyways, I will probably upload my September favorites video soon..I'm a little too lazy to edit it. haha
So, yeah. :) Hope everyone is having a great October so far and I'll see you guys in the next video :) I might do and update video in a couple on my phone just to let you guys know what's going on :)
Have a great day guys!
tyler alesia ♥
Anyways, I will probably upload my September favorites video soon..I'm a little too lazy to edit it. haha
So, yeah. :) Hope everyone is having a great October so far and I'll see you guys in the next video :) I might do and update video in a couple on my phone just to let you guys know what's going on :)
Have a great day guys!
tyler alesia ♥
August Favorites Video is up! And something new!
Hey guys! It's a little late, but I was too lazy to edit it before tonight. So, here it is, my August Favorites video! Sorry it's so long, I apparently don't know when to shut up, haha.
Also, I just wrote my very first Castle fanfiction! If any of you are fanfic lovers or Castle lovers, you know what I'm talking about :) Go check it out if you would like!
Have a great day guys!
-tyler alesia ♥
Also, I just wrote my very first Castle fanfiction! If any of you are fanfic lovers or Castle lovers, you know what I'm talking about :) Go check it out if you would like!
Have a great day guys!
-tyler alesia ♥
August Favorites Video coming soon!
Within the next couple days, I should be filming my August Favorites Video! My favorites from this month aren't just beauty products, but music, books, YouTubers and lots more!
Stay tuned for that video! :)
-tyler alesia ♥
Stay tuned for that video! :)
-tyler alesia ♥
Back To School Haul Part 2 and Outfit of the Day!
So, I posted my Back to School Haul Part 2 video yesterday! But, I forgot to post the link on here so, I'm doing it today along with my Outfit of the Day for my Last First Day of School! Today, I started my Senior Year, so I did an outfit of the day this afternoon since I didn't have time this morning :)
Back To School Haul Part 2:
OOTD video:
Enjoy guys!
-tyler alesia ♥
Back To School Haul Part 2:
OOTD video:
Enjoy guys!
-tyler alesia ♥
Julep Maven!
I received my Julep Maven introductory box today and am super excited! Here's my "unboxing" video!
If you don't know what Julep Maven is, Julep Maven is a monthly subscription service that sends out nail polish and mani-pedi and beauty products. Each box is $19.99. You can take a style profile to start out, or just choose which box you would like as your introductory box. Each box either comes with 2 polishes and a product, or 3 nail polishes. You can get your box for a penny with this code: penny. It worked for me! Another one people have been using is color2012. On the 20th of the month, you will receive an email with what is in your box for your style profile. If you don't like it, you can choose to receive one of the other boxes if you like one of those better. If you don't have the money or just don't want the box that month, you can skip that month. Just make sure to make your decision by the 24th of the month as you will be charged and your box shipped on the 27th of the month! Some boxes get little goodies in them, like for Valentine's Day this year, they sent chocolate in the February box! If you would like to sign up for the awesomeness that is Julep, here's my referral link!
If you don't know what Julep Maven is, Julep Maven is a monthly subscription service that sends out nail polish and mani-pedi and beauty products. Each box is $19.99. You can take a style profile to start out, or just choose which box you would like as your introductory box. Each box either comes with 2 polishes and a product, or 3 nail polishes. You can get your box for a penny with this code: penny. It worked for me! Another one people have been using is color2012. On the 20th of the month, you will receive an email with what is in your box for your style profile. If you don't like it, you can choose to receive one of the other boxes if you like one of those better. If you don't have the money or just don't want the box that month, you can skip that month. Just make sure to make your decision by the 24th of the month as you will be charged and your box shipped on the 27th of the month! Some boxes get little goodies in them, like for Valentine's Day this year, they sent chocolate in the February box! If you would like to sign up for the awesomeness that is Julep, here's my referral link!
Enjoy the video guys! If you'd like to see a review and/or swatches of the colors, comment below :)
-tyler alesia ♥
Haul is up!
Here's part 1 of my back to school haul!
Enjoy guys! I will be editing another video and uploading it in a couple hours! This one is about Julep and the Julep Maven program! If you don't know what that is, I will be adding another post later with the link to the video and an explanation of it!
Have a good day guys!
-tyler alesia ♥
Enjoy guys! I will be editing another video and uploading it in a couple hours! This one is about Julep and the Julep Maven program! If you don't know what that is, I will be adding another post later with the link to the video and an explanation of it!
Have a good day guys!
-tyler alesia ♥
Liebster Blog Award :)
I was awarded this by Christa from ChrissyAi.
Thank you so much for awarding me this, it means so much! ♥
"The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. What is a Liebster? The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome."
The Rules:
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.

3. Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them.
5. No tag backs!
11 things about me!
- I'm only 4'10 and 3/4".
- I have green eyes.
- I don't know how to swim.
- I love to sing.
- Sometimes, I wish my name wasn't Tyler.
- I love to read, although I don't do it all the time. I have these bouts of reading.
- I am currently reading The Shadow Of The Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon for my Summer Reading. It's a really good book!
- I don't have one specific favorite book, there's a few!
- I used to bowl on a league for 4 years.
- I think Kate Middleton is absolutely adorable.
- I'm not very knowledgeable in makeup!
1. Where were you born? Do you live in the same area now?
I was born in Marietta, Georgia. I live in the town next to it, Kennesaw :) Marietta is just where the hospital happened to be.
2. What inspired you to start blogging?
I was just bored and figured I needed something to tell things to, like random school stuff!
3. What is your most prized possession?
Hmmm, probably my CSI NY script I ordered off of Ebay :)
4. How often do you paint your nails?
Either every other day or every 2 days, with school starting, it might be more like every week!
5. How many siblings do you have?
2, an older brother and an older sister.
6. What kind of phone do you use?
A Motorola Bravo and I hate it! It sucks! I want an iPhone SO bad.
7. What social networking sites do you use?
Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Tumblr, YouTube
8. What is the one place you've always wanted to travel?
9. If you could only use one brand of makeup, what brand would it be?
10. What is your favorite TV show?
11. Who is most important in your life and why?
Probably my mom. She's my best friend and we have so much fun together! I love her ♥
Questions for you!
1. Would you like to live somewhere other than you do now?
2. Do you carry a purse? If so, how big is it?
3. What inspired you to start blogging?
4. If you could only wear one pair of shoes, which would you wear?
5. What is your favorite TV show?
6. Do you enjoy reading? If so, what is your favorite book?
7. Do you have any pets?
8. What is your favorite song?
9. Do you enjoy wearing heels?
10. What is your favorite color?
11. What is your favorite beauty item?
The coolest band aids EVER!
So, when I was at Target today, I happened to go down the band aid isle. And I saw band aids I thought I would never see again.... CYNTHIA ROWLEY BAND AIDS!!! They are the COOLEST things EVER.
They are not expensive AT ALL either! They are $2.17 at Target if you love them and would like to go get some!
I cannot WAIT to use these once I finish off my zebra print band aids! I think I'll just start giving my friends my zebra print band aids for no reason so I can start using these! They are AMAZING!
-tyler alesia ♥
I cannot WAIT to use these once I finish off my zebra print band aids! I think I'll just start giving my friends my zebra print band aids for no reason so I can start using these! They are AMAZING!
-tyler alesia ♥
Haul is filmed! :)
So, I filmed my Part 1 Haul! Now, I have to edit and add in the pictures.
be up soon guys!
-tyler alesia ♥
be up soon guys!
-tyler alesia ♥
Back to School Haul Part 1 Coming Soon!
So, I went shopping at the mall yesterday and got a few things. I'm going shopping a little bit more today, so I will film a haul either tonight when I get home or tomorrow :) It's only going to be a part 1 haul, because I'll be shopping more next weekend because it will be tax free weekend here in Georgia!
So, I'll film that haul soon and have it up! Have a great day guys!
-tyler alesia ♥
So, I'll film that haul soon and have it up! Have a great day guys!
-tyler alesia ♥
Hey guys! So, it's August! You know what that means? I start my SENIOR YEAR in a week and a half :) I'm super excited!
There will be some back to school stuff coming up like hauls and outfit of the days as well as little snippets about life as a high school senior :)
So, stick around and that will be up before I go back to school! Have a good day!
-tyler alesia ♥
There will be some back to school stuff coming up like hauls and outfit of the days as well as little snippets about life as a high school senior :)
So, stick around and that will be up before I go back to school! Have a good day!
-tyler alesia ♥
Nails from the past week and a half :)
So, I realized I haven't done this in a while...and I've painted my nails a lot recently...
So, without further ado, here's my nails from the past week and a half!
So, there you have it! If you would like to know any of the colors used, comment below and I'll tell you! :D Thanks guys!
-tyler alesia ♥
So, without further ado, here's my nails from the past week and a half!
Wizard Of Oz inspired nails :) |
Coral and Green :) |
Pink and blue with a white stripe and bow :) |
Lilac and Navy Blue with a pink flower :) My nephew picked out the colors and told me to do the flower ♥ |
-tyler alesia ♥
Won't be on for a while!
So, my nephew and brother are coming up on Saturday from Florida, and I haven't seen them in a while! We will be having a little family get together on Saturday for my mom's birthday because my brother and my nephew won't be here for her actual birthday :) They will be staying until next Wednesday, so I won't be on my blog until, probably, next Thursday! I will also be going to get my formal senior picture on Tuesday, so I'm super excited about that! My uncle will be bringing over his nice camera for my sister to borrow so she can take the rest of my senior pictures! I'm excited to get those done!
Have a good weekend and a good next week! Maybe, if there is a nephew tag or something, I'll try and do one with my nephew! He's a little spacey though, but what 5 year old isn't? :)
-tyler alesia ♥
Have a good weekend and a good next week! Maybe, if there is a nephew tag or something, I'll try and do one with my nephew! He's a little spacey though, but what 5 year old isn't? :)
-tyler alesia ♥
My next investment!
So, my android is probably the stupidest phone ever. It shuts itself off, the camera lags, and it sucks in general. So, when I get enough money (or, at least half the price), I will be getting an iPhone! I'm super excited! Here's the one I want!
It is the white iPhone 4 from AT&T and it is only $100! I'm hoping I can get enough money to get one either before school starts in like 4 weeks, or a little bit after school starts. It will allow me to facetime my friends, record videos with my friends at school, and upload them automatically to my Youtube channel! I can then do videos like Outfit of the Day and just everyday senior life vlogs :)
I'm super excited!
-tyler alesia ♥
It is the white iPhone 4 from AT&T and it is only $100! I'm hoping I can get enough money to get one either before school starts in like 4 weeks, or a little bit after school starts. It will allow me to facetime my friends, record videos with my friends at school, and upload them automatically to my Youtube channel! I can then do videos like Outfit of the Day and just everyday senior life vlogs :)
I'm super excited!
-tyler alesia ♥
Nails from past few days!
Here are my nails from the past week or so!
So, if you guys would like to know what colors were used, comment below! And, head over and check out my recent Youtube videos :)
What's In My Purse!
Nail Polish Storage & Organization
Nail Polish Obsession Tag
If there are any other videos you guys would like to see, comment and let me know!
Thanks guys!
-tyler alesia ♥
Lilac and Tangerine ♥ |
Coral and Gold ♥ |
What's In My Purse!
Nail Polish Storage & Organization
Nail Polish Obsession Tag
If there are any other videos you guys would like to see, comment and let me know!
Thanks guys!
-tyler alesia ♥
Cannot wait for back to school shopping!
I seriously wish it was August. Honestly, for school also. It's my senior year and there are so many awesome things seniors get to do so I'm excited to be a senior and head back to school! I also, am ready to go SHOPPING!
I have so many places I want to go and so many things I want to get when August comes. I don't know if any of you guys have tax free weekend, but we do here in Georgia. It's the weekend usually before school starts (for some counties at least, mine included) where everything is tax free for back to school. Clothes, supplies, everything. It's AWESOME. I'm pretty sure I'm going to do a back to school haul for you guys to see what I got :)
The main things I want to get for back to school are a black dress and colorful heels for the first day of school. Since our school colors are copper, black, and white (we're the longhorns), all the classes have different class colors. The freshman color usually varies, it's been brown, mine was yellow, there's been green, so that one changes. Sophomore class color is white, juniors is copper, and seniors is black. It is tradition for the senior girls to wear black dresses and colorful heels on the first day of school. So, that is the thing I am most looking forward to getting!
Some examples of places I want to go: Old Navy, Target, Walmart, Rue21, Forever 21, and Papaya. Some examples of things I want to get (for school and not): stacking bracelets, more jewelry, dresses, skirts, nail polish, makeup, some stuff from HauteLook, my introductory Julep Maven box, and possible Disney On Ice! tickets! :D
I'm such a 5 year old.....Oh well! What can I say, I love Disney! (And Merida, who happens to be in this Disney On Ice! show ♥)
Well, I'm done ranting. I gotta go with my mom to pick up my sister from the gym because her car needs a new motor, so it does not work. So, we only have my mom's van. Okay, now I'm done ranting.....
Have a great day guys and go check out my youtube channel :)
-tyler alesia ♥
I have so many places I want to go and so many things I want to get when August comes. I don't know if any of you guys have tax free weekend, but we do here in Georgia. It's the weekend usually before school starts (for some counties at least, mine included) where everything is tax free for back to school. Clothes, supplies, everything. It's AWESOME. I'm pretty sure I'm going to do a back to school haul for you guys to see what I got :)
The main things I want to get for back to school are a black dress and colorful heels for the first day of school. Since our school colors are copper, black, and white (we're the longhorns), all the classes have different class colors. The freshman color usually varies, it's been brown, mine was yellow, there's been green, so that one changes. Sophomore class color is white, juniors is copper, and seniors is black. It is tradition for the senior girls to wear black dresses and colorful heels on the first day of school. So, that is the thing I am most looking forward to getting!
Some examples of places I want to go: Old Navy, Target, Walmart, Rue21, Forever 21, and Papaya. Some examples of things I want to get (for school and not): stacking bracelets, more jewelry, dresses, skirts, nail polish, makeup, some stuff from HauteLook, my introductory Julep Maven box, and possible Disney On Ice! tickets! :D
I'm such a 5 year old.....Oh well! What can I say, I love Disney! (And Merida, who happens to be in this Disney On Ice! show ♥)
Well, I'm done ranting. I gotta go with my mom to pick up my sister from the gym because her car needs a new motor, so it does not work. So, we only have my mom's van. Okay, now I'm done ranting.....
Have a great day guys and go check out my youtube channel :)
-tyler alesia ♥
Yay for being a senior!
Later today (since it's 12:50 am), my mom and I may be going to the photography studio to set up an appointment for my formal senior picture (aka the one that goes in the yearbook). I will not be getting the rest of my senior pictures done at a studio as I am awkward around people and I don't want to do that. So, either my sister is going to borrow my uncle's nice camera or my uncle is going to take my pictures for me! I'm super excited to be finally doing my senior pictures!
When I get them done, I will post a few on here for you guys to see!
Have a good day everyone!
-tyler alesia ♥
When I get them done, I will post a few on here for you guys to see!
Have a good day everyone!
-tyler alesia ♥
Nails from past week :)
Here's another installment of my "nails from the past week" posts!
If any of you would like to know what colors were used, lemme know in the comments!
-tyler alesia ♥
Neon Nails! |
Raspberry Scented nails! |
Lilac toes! |
Painted my best friend's nails for her senior pictures, Galaxy nails! |
Orange scented nail polish! |
painted these today! Turquoise-green and pink striped accent nail! |
-tyler alesia ♥
Absolutely in love!
But not with a person, haha. With my new Strawberry Watermelon Mio! I have never tried it before, but my sister and I got some today at Walmart so I figured I would go ahead and try it out! So, I grabbed a water bottle, put about 4 or 5 squeezes into it, and voila! Delicious beverage!
It usually says one squeeze per 8 fl. oz. serving, and my water bottle is 16.9 oz., so I decided to do 2. I shook it up, and it was really watered down, like I hadn't put enough Mio in it. So, I added about 3 more squeezes, and it tasted so much better! You can put as many squeezes as you like in it until it tastes how you want it to.
No, I am not affiliated with Mio in any way, I just wanted to share my delicious discovery with you guys!
It usually says one squeeze per 8 fl. oz. serving, and my water bottle is 16.9 oz., so I decided to do 2. I shook it up, and it was really watered down, like I hadn't put enough Mio in it. So, I added about 3 more squeezes, and it tasted so much better! You can put as many squeezes as you like in it until it tastes how you want it to.
No, I am not affiliated with Mio in any way, I just wanted to share my delicious discovery with you guys!
There are tons of flavors and I will have to try a bunch of them! (not all, because I don't like sweet tea!)
Have a great day guys!
-tyler alesia ♥
Youtube Partners!
So, I just signed up to be a Youtube Partner! I think it is the coolest thing ever and I am super happy to start being a part of it! I sent in my request for my AdSense account and am waiting to hear back! I will keep you guys updated on this exciting news!
-tyler alesia ♥
-tyler alesia ♥
So, I have recently started to post videos that most people post on Youtube like the What's in My Purse videos and what not. I may become a normal Youtuber, haha! Here are the links to my 2 new videos I posted recently!
What's In My Purse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LjExGAhfm0
Nail Polish Storage and Organization: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SgD4IEzVp0
If you guys could check them out, that would be great! If you would like to see anymore videos such as tags, hauls, nail tutorials, a nail polish collection video, or anything else, either comment on those videos or comment below this post!
Thanks guys!
-tyler alesia ♥
What's In My Purse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LjExGAhfm0
Nail Polish Storage and Organization: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SgD4IEzVp0
If you guys could check them out, that would be great! If you would like to see anymore videos such as tags, hauls, nail tutorials, a nail polish collection video, or anything else, either comment on those videos or comment below this post!
Thanks guys!
-tyler alesia ♥
That Awkward Moment When....
Your mom takes you to Walmart to get something to put all of your nail polish in, you find something, come home, and it all doesn't fit. And you find yourself still wanting to buy all the nail polish in the world. Here's all my nail polish and such :)
I need a room for all of my nail stuff! I should start doing my friends nails, haha! Then I could buy more nail polish! Especially this collection that I LOVE because I love anything vintage! This is the China Glaze Vintage Vixen collection from 2010, and I hate that I just found out about it!
Okay, enough of my rambling, have a good day guys!
-tyler alesia ♥
The storage container I bought today :) |
All the nail polish that fits into it, haha! |
What doesn't fit: My nail art stuff and 2 base coats |
The shoebox my stuff used to be in, along with my Seventeen nail thing, my makeup sponges for designs, and my color sheet with all the colors I have |
My nail polish remover, Cotton balls, Q-tips, and some more nail stuff in the purple bucket behind it |
![]() |
Click to make bigger (not my picture! I found it on google!) |
Okay, enough of my rambling, have a good day guys!
-tyler alesia ♥
Walgreens Haul :)
So, after lunch today at Waffle House, we stopped at Walgreens cause I wanted to get some nail polish. My mom also bought me a candy bar :) Here's what I got!
I love the Sally Hansen polishes, they're amazing!
So, that's what I got! Have a good day everyone!
-tyler alesia ♥
New Crunch bar for Samoas cookies, IT'S SOOOOO GOOD! If you like Samoas, you'll LOVE this candy bar! |
My 2 new polishes :) |
Golden-I & Lacey Lilac |
So, that's what I got! Have a good day everyone!
-tyler alesia ♥
Sally Hansen Magnetic Polish Review!
So, today I took off my Fourth of July polish and decided to try my Sally Hansen Magnetic Polish. This is how it turned out!
This is the Ionic Indigo Sally Hansen Magnetic polish and it is AWESOME. It took some practice on my thumb and my pointer finger, but once I got to my middle finger, it started to look more like the ads! The magnet cap even has a handy cuticle guide (it's like a piece of plastic you set on your finger to angle the magnet so your hands won't shake like mine do!) It's totally worth the $10 in my opinion! I will definitely be using this polish more often and even going to buy some more! One of the ladies at the Walgreens near my house told me they are having a sale on them tomorrow, YAY! :D
I love how my nails look and I hope if you get this, you'll love it too!
-tyler alesia ♥
Nails from the past week :)
My first attempt at cloud nails |
My 4th of July nails ♥ (my hands shake, so the lines aren't straight) |
The stars I tried to draw (again, my hands shake so....) |
Instagram pic of my 4th of July nails ♥ |
I will be trying out my new magnetic nail polish tomorrow, so I will post pics and also review the nail polish itself :)
If you would like to know the colors used, comment below and I'll let you know! :D
-tyler alesia ♥
Marietta Square shopping & a vintage shirt ♥
So, I just got home from going to Marietta Square and walking around with my mom. First, we went to a shop called Fit for a Queen, but they were closed and we're not sure why. So, we then went to a place called Doodlebugz. We looked around in there, but they are kinda pricey and I didn't have that much money so we decided to go somewhere else. I told my mom I would buy her some ice cream, so we went to Sweetreats where they blend the add-ins you want together with the ice cream and you get a soft serve combination! I got chocolate ice cream with strawberries and dark chocolate chips, and my mom got chocolate ice cream with cherries and fudge, YUM! We then went to Go Fish! Clothing and Jewelry and Shop Till You Drop, but they were expensive too. I wanted to go to The Corner Store, which is a British grocery and gift store, but my mom wouldn't let me :( So, we were going to head back to the car and leave, but I saw the antique mall and wanted to check it out. We went in and walked around, and I found the most GORGEOUS vintage floral shirt/jacket thingy (to my style, not necessarily my mom's) and I totally bought it ♥ Here are some pics!
My style needed this shirt, so I had to get it. Seeing as I'm a girly-girl, I love anything vintage, floral, or with ruffles, and this was all 3! :D I cannot wait to wear it this fall/winter ♥
-tyler alesia ♥
I love it! |
The ruffles go all around the shirt |
There are even ruffles on the end of the sleeves! |
-tyler alesia ♥
4th of July haul!
So, at the Marietta Square in Georgia, we have a parade and then a bunch of vendors set up in the square with food and tons of different things to buy! Here's what I got at the square!
Everything was really cheap! The stuff in the first 3 pictures I got from the same vendor. I've gotten some of her stuff at another festival we had earlier this year. I love it! I'm actually going back to the square to go shopping today because my mom didn't take me yesterday while we were walking around. Another haul should be up later then!
-tyler alesia ♥
Wicked ring, Anchor ring, Van Gogh 'Starry Night' ring |
Flower earrings |
Houndstooth earrings for football season (ROLL TIDE ♥) |
Wire wrapped stone ring |
-tyler alesia ♥
My first haul post :)
On Tuesday, I went out with my mommy and Haley (my sister's friend's daughter who we watch during the week over the summer, she's 10) to Old Navy, Target, Ulta, and Walmart! I guess you could call some of it belated birthday presents! So, here's what I got and where!
That's all that I got! I hoped you enjoyed this post :) I will definitely be posting more hauls! :D
-tyler alesia ♥
Old Navy- blue purse with handles and crossbody strap- On sale for $10 |
Inside of purse |
Old Navy- Shopping bag- $1 |
Old Navy- Red Cami- originally $12.50, on sale for $5 or $6 |
Target- Neon bandeau bathing suit- $14.99 each piece |
Target- strapless black peplum top- $17.99 |
Target- Merona long sleeve cardigan- originally $19.99, on clearance for $5. 68 |
Ulta- Orly Ridgefiller base coat- $5 Orly Instant Artist in Crisp White- $5 eos lip balm in Summer Fruit and Strawberry Sorbet- 2 for $6 |
Walgreens- Mentos Up2U gum in Sweet Mint & Bubble Fresh and Striped Red Strawberry & Starmint- 2 for $2 Touchscreen Stylus- $5 |
That's all that I got! I hoped you enjoyed this post :) I will definitely be posting more hauls! :D
-tyler alesia ♥
New music and such
So, Saturday was my birthday party. A couple of my friends got me $15 iTunes cards, so I had $30.19 to spend on iTunes. Yesterday, I went on and bought a BUNCH of stuff! So, I thought I would share what I bought with you guys and maybe you guys could be introduced to some new music :)
- Castle episode 'Always'
- Castle episode 'The Blue Butterfly'
- Good Time- Owl City and Carly Rae Jepsen
- Whistle- Flo Rida
- Lights- Ellie Goulding
- Titanium ft. Sia- David Guetta
- Back In Time- Pitbull
- Everybody Talks- Neon Trees
- Want U Back- Cher Lloyd
- I Won't Give Up- Jason Mraz
- Give Your Heart A Break- Demi Lovato
- Both Of Us ft. Taylor Swift- B.o.B
- Wipe Your Eyes- Maroon 5
- One More Night- Maroon 5
- (Kissed You) Good Night- Gloriana
- Windows Down- Big Time Rush
- Tongue Tied- Grouplove
- How We Do (Party)- Rita Ora
- Promises (Skrillex and Nero remix)- Nero
- She's So Mean- Matchbox Twenty
- Bangarang ft. Sirah- Skrillex
- Anchor- Mindy Gledhill
So, there ya go! I love all of these songs and episodes so. now you have some new music to check out! Hope you enjoy them if you do check them out :)
-Now Playing: Promises (Skrillex and Nero remix) ♥
tyleralesia ♥
Nails! :)
So, I've painted my nails a lot recently (I basically paint them every other day it seems, haha!) I'm kind of obsessed with painting my nails. So, here are some pictures of my nails from recently! :)

Turquoise and yellow (right hand) (same blue as above picture, the lighting changed last second when I took the picture)
Turquoise and yellow (right hand) (same blue as above picture, the lighting changed last second when I took the picture)
If you guys would like to know any of the colors used, just comment below and I'll let you know! I hope you enjoy! Thanks guys :)
-tyleralesia ♥
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